I want to be free
From the girl who suffocates me
From the monster who steals my breath and swears to never give it back
Locks it up,
Throws out the key.
What would it be like to be free?
Sometimes she takes my will to live along with everything I hope I could be
Then leaves me in an eerie fog
Where light tries to shine
But can never penetrate the smoke
Where dreams are almost dreamt
Then one by one they shatter into tiny,
on the floor.
I want to be free! Please take this curse away from me!
She haunts my mind,
My body,
My soul,
And she does have a name, you see!
But I’m too scared to say it
Because she is the part that I wish didn’t exist in me
She is the monster I wish would stay under my bed
She is the thoughts I wish would live out of my head
And even still, she’s so much closer than that,
Far too close
God, I even see her sad eyes when I look in the mirror!
The horror of her slight smile
The mystery of her lifeless body
She threatens to take everything from me
A liar, a dirty thief!
But alas, so am I
I’m the one who covers up her crimes
And keeps her identity unknown
Keeps my identity unknown
Her name is d e p r e s s i o n —
And she is me.